Preaching 101

When we say, “Word of God” to describe the Bible, we are saying it is God’s revelation to mankind. It is His venue of truth. The authority of preaching, therefore, doesn’t come from the preacher, it comes from what he is preaching. The main objective of the Bible passage should be the main point of the sermon preached. The main objective of this work is to guide the preacher to expound the word of God above all. To approach it with proper hermeneutics and present the message in a homiletically sound fashion.




Book Details

Weight 1.38 lbs



February 2018





About The Author

Pastor Kenneth Kuykendall

Kenneth Kuykendall is the pastor of Cross Roads Baptist Church in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Under his leadership and vision, the church has experienced spiritual growth, numerical increase, and facility expansion for years. His burden for ministry is to equip the saints, reach the unsaved, and glorify Christ through expositional preaching and teaching.

He is the author of many books and booklets. In 2007, he established Cross Roads Publications, a ministry that provides Christian literature and resources. He also founded Seeds for the Soul Daily Devotion, a devotional ministry that has reached hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

“Preaching 101 is one of the most thorough and thoughtful books I have read in a long time on how to study the Bible accurately and preach it effectively. The volume you hold in your hand teaches by example, beginning with a sound exposition and moving to simple application. My friend, Kenny Kuykendall, is more than a writer. He is a reader of great authors, a student of Scripture, and a faithful preacher of God’s Word. This book will challenge your thinking and warm your heart.”
-Scott Pauley

“Every preacher should always be learning and improving, not neglecting his gift. Kenny Kuykendall in Preaching 101, will help improve your preaching. Excellently-written from one in the trenches.”
-Dan Reed

“If we are to give preaching the primacy it deserves in our churches, we do well to learn how to study God’s Word and most effectively communicate it. In Preaching 101, you’ll find teaching on and tools for both. I trust this helpful resource will aid you in your pursuit as “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”
-Paul Chappell



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